Affordable Private Immersion Language Programs Get a real life taste and feel of the culture and customs of the language you choose to study! A refreshing experience awaits you as you study Hebrew, Arabic or Farsi (Persian) in Israel at the LIROM GLOBAL EDUCATION LANGUAGE CENTER. The LIROM Language programs facilitate an understanding of Israel’s cultures, its entry into today’s dynamic global community and the significant role Israel plays in global innovation. Tailor-made just for you, you can choose to learn just to speak, or to read and write as well - whatever works best for you! If you want your teacher will come to tutor you at your place or meet you wherever is most convenient for you! LIROM's language programs cater to all language levels – beginners to advanced – and are taught by highly qualified native-language speakers. Tuition is on a one-on-one flexible, tailor-made, yet affordable basis. LIROM’s language programs are designed to accelerate the language-learning experience by fully immersing the student in the language, its culture, and people. We will take you to the markets, restaurants, beach and let you feel the day to day life in Israel…and so, get a real feel of the culture. Lessons are not confined to a classroom and take place wherever the student chooses. In addition, students are taken into the community to experience the language they are studying. LIROM provides students with a strong support system and home-base in Israel. PLEASE NOTE: After you have registered for your lessons, upon request we can also arrange all of the logistics of your trip for you, e.g. accommodation of all levels (dormitories, studio-flats, hotels), health insurance, mobile phone, pickups from the airport, trips around Israel – you name it! OUR SPECIAL PROMOTIONS INCLUDE a 50% discount for the 2nd and 3rd participants in the same study group! In addition, if you take over 20 lessons a week, from the 21st lesson on, you will receive a special discount on every additional hour and only pay $50/hour! LIROM is a leading provider of international language study abroad opportunities, offering Hebrew, Arabic, Farsi (Persian) and English language programs to those interested in studying in Israel, in a secure and nurturing environment, whilst advancing their understanding of a language and its associated culture. Israel is the only open democracy in the Middle East where students can study Arabic and Farsi with native-speakers in a safe secure environment, and where women are free to choose how they want to dress and where they want to learn.
저는 이스라엘에 일주일만 있었기 때문에 그녀의 집에서 개인 교사를 만났습니다. 우리는 쇼핑을 하러 가고 식당에 가서 실제 상황에서 히브리어를 연습할 수 있었습니다. 저는 이번 주 학습을 정말 즐겼고 다시 할 기회가 있기를 바랍니다. 나는 마련된 숙박 시설이 마음에 들지 않아서 스스로 숙박 시설을 예약했습니다. more
수업은 개인 교사의 집에서 진행되었습니다. 선생님은 매우 친절하셨고 전통적인 방법을 기반으로 한 괜찮은 선생님이었습니다. 선생님이 딸아이를 텔아비브에 데리고 다니면서 보고 경험한 것을 대화를 통해 가르쳐준다는 생각에 프로그램이 팔렸기 때문에 꽤 놀랐습니다. 선생님은 매우 친절하셨지만 이것이 프로그램의 일부인지 전혀 몰랐고 심지어 내 딸이 어디에서 소개되었는지도 몰랐습니다. 수업료가 엄청나게 비쌌어요. 수업이 전통적인 방식으로 진행된다는... more
고객님이 학생이든, 비즈니스 전문가이시든, 혹은 여행자이거나 관계없이 텔아비브에는 고객님께 맞는 어학코스가 있습니다. 페르시아어 (페르시아어) 코스는 모든 레벨과 연령대, 기간에 가능합니다. 시작하기 위해, 아래 리스트에서 코스타입을 선택해 주십시오.