Language On’s English school in Salt Lake City, Utah is perfectly located, between downtown Salt Lake City and the University of Utah. Our English school can be easily accessed by bus, train (TRAX), and car with parking onsite and nearby. Join an English course in Salt Lake City and meet students from all over the world.
Discover the best way to learn English in Salt Lake City with INX Academy English Class. Our expert instructors provide comprehensive language training to help you improve your speaking, writing, listening, and reading skills. Join us today and take the first step towards achieving fluency in English.
고객님이 학생이든, 비즈니스 전문가이시든, 혹은 여행자이거나 관계없이 솔트레이크시티에는 고객님께 맞는 어학코스가 있습니다. 영어 코스는 모든 레벨과 연령대, 기간에 가능합니다. 시작하기 위해, 아래 리스트에서 코스타입을 선택해 주십시오.