The Language Company is here to help you achieve your dreams. With us, you will improve your English skills and at the same time build great memories of the United States and its people. You will study under teachers highly skilled in teaching English to international students. You will have academic counselors to guide you every step of the way. Our cooperating college network will make it easier for you to enter the American university of your choice. You will grow culturally as well as academically. Activities sponsored by The Language Company feature exploring communities and cities where you experience the American way of life. As part of our family, you will meet students from faraway places and make new friends. Since 1983, The Language Company has provided superior English instruction and cultural exchange to students worldwide. We want to help you achieve your English goals. We are ready to help you begin your English Language Adventure.
고객님이 학생이든, 비즈니스 전문가이시든, 혹은 여행자이거나 관계없이 포트워스에는 고객님께 맞는 어학코스가 있습니다. 영어 코스는 모든 레벨과 연령대, 기간에 가능합니다. 시작하기 위해, 아래 리스트에서 코스타입을 선택해 주십시오.