The Inspire Academy has its basis in inspiration and activity based teaching. Meaning that we provide a well-rounded education in the language of choice through the use of positive experiences. All of our teachers are committed and trained to provide a constructive teaching style which allows for easy and exponential language formation. In the classroom we have all the tools, games, and assessments necessary to aid in the more difficult concepts. Outside of the classroom we put those concepts to use by the simple practice of communicating in the language, and this in a relaxed, motivating, and positive manner. We are available year-round and are always ready and able to help anyone of any age to learn a new language. The languages we offer are primarily English, French, and Spanish, and these with native-speaking top-grade teachers.
고객님이 학생이든, 비즈니스 전문가이시든, 혹은 여행자이거나 관계없이 비아히쯔에는 고객님께 맞는 어학코스가 있습니다. 영어 코스는 모든 레벨과 연령대, 기간에 가능합니다. 시작하기 위해, 아래 리스트에서 코스타입을 선택해 주십시오.