Learn Spanish & Volunteer

Corazon Cuba


코스 주제

청취, 말하기, 발음, 독서, 쓰기, 어휘, 문법 그리고 활동

수업 일정

수업 길이
수업 시작일
매월 첫째주 월요일
1주 수업일수
15 lessons per week (각 수업은 45분 동안 진행됩니다.)
수업 일수
월요일 - 금요일

수업 시간

You can choose from the following class times:

모닝 세션
09시 00분 00초 - 11시 45분 00초

수업일정은 수강가능 여부와 학기에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.

코스 개요

Our most exciting program – volunteer in Cuba during the first two weeks of every month. Can be taken for one or both weeks.

Stay in a Casa Particulare in the heart of Old Havana. Spanish language lessons Monday to Friday in the mornings. While the afternoons activities alternate between volunteering and cultural excursions. Weekend trips feature the beach and helping out at the Paseo del Prado ‘arts & crafts’ project.

Accommodation included - accommodation, breakfast & lunch included throughout in either dorm rooms for solo travellers. Shared double, twin private rooms with en suites if booking more than one person. Single room supplement also available.


* Live in the heart of Old Habana and enjoy a full immersion into Cuban life. A unique opportunity to volunteer in Cuba and really understand what makes this amazing country so special

* Busy program includes accommodation, breakfast & lunch and Spanish lessons throughout. Also volunteering in the community with Cuban people to turbo charge your Spanish

* Start dates first two weeks of every month - ideally arriving Sunday/during the weekend... we are open
365 days a year!

* 18+ program with no upper age limit. Minors welcome if accompanied by an adult - this program is family friendly!). We welcome all ages & nationalities!

* Program Managers and all Cuban crew will help you feel at home providing 24/7 support

* Support the Cuban People - volunteer in Cuba program complies with US travel restrictions


This program starts and finishes in Havana with airport transfers available on request. Our main language school/hostel – Casa Corazon Cuba – was purpose renovated in 2015 and features same sex dorm rooms. Separate toilet and shower facilities, dining & classrooms, two spacious roof terraces. Lots of other quality space to relax and enjoy the atmosphere and make friends with other program participants and our amazing local team. If you prefer your own space or book with a partner or friends then accommodation is at a nearby Casa Particulare where we have double, twin and triple rooms available with en suite/private bathrooms.

Wherever you stay Spanish lessons, lunch, program meetings and inpromtu social activities take place at Casa Corazon Cuba.

Monday to Friday features a busy daytime schedule of Spanish lessons in the mornings. Also cultural excursions and volunteer in Cuba activities in the afternoons. The weekends are more relaxed with trips to the beach and of course the legendary Habana nightlife!


Monday to Friday’s intensive Spanish lessons take place shortly after breakfast. Tuition is delivered by an accredited and licensed Cuban teachers and on day one you receive a short test to establish your level and objectives. Lessons take the format of 3 x 45 minute lessons each morning, with 15 minute breaks to refresh. This makes approximately 3 hours of learn Spanish each day – 15 hours per week. Lessons are held from 09:00 sharp, Monday to Friday.

* To help learn Spanish in Cuba ‘Cultural Immersion’ content features additional Spanish language tuition, oral comprehension and dialogue (approx. 4 hours per week).


When you start packing we ask you to consider bringing something to donate; such as any sports items, children’s toys… and arts & crafts items. We’re not asking you to go shopping or break your budget, just ask around and see if there are unused or under used things lying around yours or friends houses that might be put to more productive use here. Cuba is still subject to heavy hitting sanctions and a trade embargo imposed by her next door neighbour! For more details about or main volunteer partners, see below;

InSurgentes is our newest volunteer partnership with local communities in and around Habana Vieja. At the moment our volunteers are helping to create a green space at Sol420 – Aula Ecológica (Ecological Classroom). Other InSurgentes projects include recycling organic materials into educational games at Fábrica de Bicicletas y Juguetes. This ambitious collaboration with DVV International includes a commitment to produce bicycles with wooden frames and other initiatives to raise ecological and environmental awareness – Eco Urbanism – in this vibrant neighbourhood.

Arco Iris & Barrio Habana Vieja Community Centre’s
We work with kids, and support volunteer organisers with maintenance and kids activities in Habana Vieja & Centro. The kids include those from broken and troubled families. In addition to creating a fun filled space, our focus is to give its members better preparation for adulthood and parenthood. A variety of classes are given, but focus always remains on social skills and confidence building. Activities include acting, dancing and singing classes and we often make presentations with our volunteers.

Sports Complejo
The sports complejo has been the main sports facility for all the schools in Habana Vieja for generations. It is a very established facility but lacks basic facilities. Sports run at this location include; baseball, volleyball, athletics, wrestling, basketball and judo in the near future.

We support sports in Cuba whenever possible and the benefits sports bring to society are well known to Cubans. We follow their lead, improving facilities and donating equipment are where our support is most required.


In its day Havana was one of the most important and wealthy cities on the planet. The source of this wealth is undoubtedly controversial and Cuba’s more recent history is testament to this controversy. The faded patina of Havana’s gorgeous neo classical architecture, rumble of classic American cars and curious soviet era high rise buildings force you to question – what is Cuba?

We would like to help you answer this question through a series of cultural excursions and encounters with Cuban people. These will comprise three ‘sessions’ per week, usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 14:00. The four week program includes a schedule of 11 different cultural excursions and the two week program includes 6 cultural excursions. The format is varied, for example, a guided tour of a museum, or a weekend excursion down ‘Paseo del Prado’ to see the free open air art classes and discussion groups, or a sporting event such as baseball or basketball game or other ‘event’ where there is a big social gathering.

These cultural experiences and excursions are with our trained local guides who will show you how to buy (and spend!) local peso’s, take local transport and generally make you feel at home and comfortable with your new surroundings.


During the weekends we enjoy a daytrip to a beach directly east of Havana. Journey time is 30 minutes by bus and you can enjoy the exhilarating rollers that break on these pristine sandy beaches.

There is also the option to volunteer on the Paseo del Prado where local aritist's give free arts and crafts classes to local kids!

수업 레벨

모든 레벨, 완전초급 부터 고급 레벨까지
고객님의 수업 레벨을 결정하기 위해 첫날 레벨 테스트를 보실 것입니다.

수업 학생수

평균 학생 3명
최대 학생 6명

학생 연령대

연령대 18세 이상
평균 30세


수료증은 코스가 끝날 때 발급될 것입니다.
더 읽어보기...


  • City of 하바나 1/65
  • Classes at Corazon Cuba 2/65
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  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 활동들 5/65
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  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 활동들 7/65
  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 활동들 8/65
  • City of 하바나 9/65
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  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 활동들 16/65
  • Corazon Cuba의 선생님과 교직원 17/65
  • Corazon Cuba의 선생님과 교직원 18/65
  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 학생 레지던스 19/65
  • City of 하바나 20/65
  • Corazon Cuba의 선생님과 교직원 21/65
  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 활동들 22/65
  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 활동들 23/65
  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 학생 레지던스 24/65
  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 홈스테이 25/65
  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 홈스테이 26/65
  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 홈스테이 27/65
  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 홈스테이 28/65
  • Corazon Cuba이 제공하는 홈스테이 29/65
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100% 권장됨

4개의 리뷰에 의하면
별 5개
별 4개
별 3개
별 2개
별 1개
교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치

"Daivy is a fantastic teacher who taught me so much and I had a great stay in the heart of Old Havana."

Caroline Birch, 에서 온 학생 영국

The classes were a really good mixture of grammatical theory and exercises, reading, writing, and conversation/discussion. Daivy is incredibly patient and only speaks Spanish: even if you don't understand the first or second time, she'll keep explaining (in Spanish!) until you do. I had opted for private lessons but because there were two other "advanced" learners there were three of us in the morning sessions for the first week. It was useful to learn from them and I still had time to focus on specific themes related to my job in the afternoon. Daivy covered a range of topics but there was plenty of room for us to discuss anything of particular interest. She also recommended activities - and homework always involved starting up a conversation with a Cuban to practise and learn! I would have loved to have extended the course but had to get back home.
The whole team at the school are incredibly dedicated, friendly and helpful. It felt as though nothing was too much to ask, from organising a Cuban sim-card, to changing money and arranging weekend trips (or a four day trip to Trinidad after the end of the course when I was no longer even Corazon Cuba's responsibility!), to answering slightly random questions about popular Cuban expressions, to making sure even the pickiest eaters were well fed at breakfast and lunch. The food was consistently delicious, local recipes and plenty of lovely fresh fruit.
Some of the other students weren't comfortable going out by themselves so they appreciated the cultural excursions.
I didn't do the cultural excursions or the dance classes but other students who did raved about them!
On arrival everything was well organised and Ami offered a lovely warm welcome. The accommodation was nearby so it was an easy walk to school every day, and both are right in the centre of Old Havana so it was really easy to get around and see the sights. My room was en-suite, immaculately clean (thank you Mare and Raquel!) and everything worked even the water (thank you Carlos!).
A huge thank you to Daivy, Leonel, Liset, Pablito and Ania - as well as all the other members of the team who work so hard to make it such a great experience.
PS I put average for social activities only because I preferred to do my own thing outside class, and for school facilities only because there don't seem to be formal classrooms - if that's what people are expecting - but it was actually ideal to be studying outside on the terrace.

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
9 Dec 2024 - 20 Dec 2024
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
이것은 입증된 리뷰입니다. 이 학생은 랭귀지 인터네셔날을 통해 이 학교의 과정을 예약했습니다.

"A fantastic stay in Cuba with some of the best teachers I've had in my life!"

Zackariah Farah, 에서 온 학생 미국

I have no complaints about this experience. I stayed at the school and the staff there helped me with whatever I needed. They offered to organize excursions to local destinations and gave tips about what to see and do.

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 요일
23 Sep 2024 - 27 Sep 2024
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
이것은 입증된 리뷰입니다. 이 학생은 랭귀지 인터네셔날을 통해 이 학교의 과정을 예약했습니다.
Tim Poullain-Patterson, Co Founder & Director at Corazon Cuba responded to this review.
18 November 2024

Thanks very much for your kind words - it was a pleasure hosting you! Happy upcoming Thanksgiving and enjoy the festive season x

"Learning Spanish, salsa and Cuban culture in a very friendly atmosphere"

Yildiz Silier

Three hours of intensive Spanish courses in very small classes (1-3 students), salsa and tours of Havana in the afternoons with people from over the world. What else can one want to enjoy beuatiful Havana? Breakfasts and lunches at school were delicious, and my single en suite room in Amy's casa particular was very comfortable and close to the school. The school's location in Old Havana was excellent. All of the crew was very helpful in solving our smaill problems. My special thanks to Leo and our teacher Delvis. I will definitely want to come back again.

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
16 Dec 2023 - 7 Jun 2024
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?

"Best Language school in Cuba"

Timm B

I had the pleasure of learning Spanish at Corazon Cuba in February, and it was an incredible experience. The instructors are not only highly knowledgeable but also exceptionally patient and engaging, making each lesson enjoyable and effective. The immersive environment helped me improve my language skills rapidly while gaining a deeper understanding of Cuban culture. The small class sizes ensured personalized attention, and the staff’s dedication to student success was evident in every interaction. I highly recommend Corazon Cuba to anyone looking to learn Spanish in a vibrant and supportive setting.

더 읽어보기...

이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
28 Jan 2024 - 9 Feb 2024
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?


Corazon Cuba는 다음 숙소 타입을 제공합니다:

홈스테이 - 2 인 공유 방 - 아침과 점심


Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast and lunch - 2 students must book together

연령대: 18세 이상
위치: In the city center of 하바나
숙소 타입: 홈스테이
객실 타입: 2 인 공유 방
식사 계획: 아침과 점심 (14 식 주당)
시설: 개인 욕실, 세탁소, 에어컨, 그리고 다른
학교까지의 거리: 5 분 walk로
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 일요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
제한: 2 학생은 등록해야합니다
Less than 5 minutes walk from our main hostel, Hostal Leonel is where clients stay who prefer private room with en suite, rather than sharing with others. Breakfast can be taken here or at the main Corazon Cuba hotel & language school.

All rooms come with air con and en suite/private bathrooms (hot & cold water showers).

When one or more persons book at the same time they are automatically allocated a private room. However, private room is also available to solo travellers on payment $10 per night supplement.

Familes also welcome as well as groups of all sizes!

홈스테이 - Single-person room - 아침과 점심

₩ 104,912

Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and lunch

연령대: 18세 이상
위치: In the city center of 하바나
숙소 타입: 홈스테이
객실 타입: Single-person room
식사 계획: 아침과 점심 (14 식 주당)
시설: 개인 욕실, 에어컨, 24/7 감시, 그리고 다른
학교까지의 거리: 5 분 walk로
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 일요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
₩ 104,912
Less than 5 minutes walk from our main language school and student hostel, Hostal Leonel is where clients stay who prefer private room with air con and en suite, rather than sharing with others. Breakfast can be taken here or at the main Corazon Cuba hotel & language school.

PLEASE NOTE : There is a supplement $10 per night / $70 per week in addition to normal program price for single room occupancy.

Student residence - 4 사람이 공유하는 방 - 아침과 점심


Student residence - 4-person shared room - Breakfast and lunch

연령대: 18세 이상
주소: 311 Lamparilla, e/ Compostella y Aguacate, Habana Vieja, La Habana, Cuba
위치: In the city center of 하바나
숙소 타입: Student residence
객실 타입: 4 사람이 공유하는 방
식사 계획: 아침과 점심 (14 식 주당)
시설: 세탁소, 에어컨, 그리고 24/7 감시
학교까지의 거리: 1 분 walk로
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 일요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
Our hostel is in the heart of Old Habana - most of our clients stay here and accommodation is same sex dorm rooms designed for solo travellers. Breakfast & lunch are included throughout and if you book with friends or family you are automatically allocated a private room for no extra cost.

For solo travellers who prefer a private room, this is available for a single room supplement of $10 per night.

비자발급 도움

저희가 학생분들의 비자를 대신 신청해 드릴 수는 없지만.

항공권과 공항픽업

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to 하바나 based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

여행자 보험

Language International의 의료보험 및 개인보험 커버로 해외연수 걱정 뚝! 저희 코스를 예약하실 때, 의료 비용은 물론 개인소지품의 분실까지 커버하는 국제 보험플랜을 구매하실 수 있습니다. 코스 등록시 미리 보험을 예약하셔야 합니다.

보험 플랜에 대해 더 알아보기 »

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Q & A

궁금하신 점이 있으세요? Corazon Cuba 관계자 및 학생 고객에게서 답변을 구하세요.

가격 표시