Koinè Center - Italian Language School in Lucca
via dei Tabacchi, 5, Lucca, IT I-55100, Italy
Koinè Center - Italian Language School in Lucca
청취, 말하기, 발음, 독서, 쓰기, 어휘, 문법 그리고 활동
Koinè은 위와 같은 휴일에는 수업이 없습니다. 이 학교는 휴일 수업을 보충하지 않으니 이에 따라 시작일을 잘 선택해 주세요.
You can choose from the following class times:
수업일정은 수강가능 여부와 학기에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.
3 hours/day individual tuition
We provide intensive language training for people who want to make a significant improvement in speaking and understanding Italian but who don’t have a long period of time to devote to learning Italian or who require ‘tailor-made’ tuition. The classes are carefully designed for your current level of Italian, your individual interests and – on request – for your job requirements. We offer complete flexibility in course length, intensity, and content.
You can start on any date, on any day of the week, and stay for as long as you wish.
평균 | 학생 1명 |
최대 | 학생 1명 |
연령대 | 16세 이상 |
평균 | 45세 (여름에 35) |
Centro Koinè - 이탈리아에서 가장 오래 설립 된 이탈리아어 학교 중 하나로서, 언어 학습에 독특하고 자연스러운 대화 방식을 제공합니다.
유연하고 다양하며 효과적인 수업과 오후 활동은 진지한 학습을 할 수 있도록 고안되었습니다. 최고 품질의 교육과 Koinè 직원의 헌신이 학교를 대표합니다.
우리의 정책은 학교 위치가 여러 개인 학교를 두어 다양한 장소와 코스를 선택할 수 있으며 동시에 학교 규모로 인해 쾌적하고 친근한 분위기를 유지할 수 있도록하는 것입니다.
Koinè는 현재 피렌체, 루카 및 볼로냐의 역사적 중심지에 위치한 3 곳의 학교가 있으며 뛰어난 역사적 유산, 문화, 경관, 건축 및 생활 양식으로 유명하며 각기 이탈리아 식 생활 방식에 몰입 할 수있는 기회를 제공합니다. 우리의 위치는 우리의 "이탈리아 언어 및 문화 프로그램"의 맥락에서 또는 독립적으로 또는 독립적으로 볼 수있는 많은 것들이있는 귀하의 체류를위한 완벽한 기반입니다.
코스는 일년 내내 제공됩니다.
우리의 목표는 당신에게 이탈리아와 이탈리아 문화 탐방을위한 최고의 출발점을 제공하는 것입니다. 우리는 당신이 우리 나라와 우리 문화를 훨씬 더 깊은 수준으로 즐기는 도구 인 이탈리아어를 갖추도록 기뻐할 것입니다.
언어를 우리 삶의 방식에 많은 문을 열어주는 열쇠로 생각하십시오.
Centro Koinè는 공식적으로 이탈리아 교육부로부터 승인을 받았습니다.
Koinè has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in 이탈리아. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Koinè Center - Italian Language School in Lucca의 국적과 연령대 구성은 기간과 코스, 레벨에 따라 다릅니다. 연중 학생 평균연령는 45세 입니다. 여름학기 학생 평균 연령은 35세 입니다.
Koinè 은 위와 같은 휴일에는 수업이 없습니다. 이 학교는 휴일 수업을 보충하지 않으니 이에 따라 시작일을 잘 선택해 주세요.
Tabacchi 마을에 있는 우리 학교의 교실은 구시가지 지역의 역사적인 궁전에 곁에 위치해 있습니다. 여기의 도심은 매우 잘 보존되고, 대부분의 차량이 통제되지만 도보 구역은 사람이나 자전거 모두 다닐 수 있도록 충분히 넓습니다. 이곳의 구시가지의 역사적인 중심지는 많은 상점, 카페, 트라토리아에서 모든 이탈리아 풍을 유지하며 역사와 전통 축제가 매우 활기 차고 풍부합니다 (일부는 수세기를 거슬러 올라갑니다). 이 도시는 매년 매해 흥미로운 곳으로 만듭니다.
School is well organized and is situated in beautiful Lucca. The teachers are professional and very sympathetic. My Italian language has really improved. Hope to return one day!
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...High level teaching appropriate to each language level. Grammar language and cultural training in good balance.
The private lessons I had for two hours every day were a high light for me.
The teaching facilitated very fast progress in language learning.
The training location was a 10-minute walk from my accommodation (perfect). Lorenzo had put together a new, great and challenging program every day. He led and facilitated the lessons excellently. The training room was very echoey and it was difficult to communicate with each other at times. My accommodation was good. It was a pity that the room was small. Unfortunately, it was always dark in the house because the shutters were closed.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...Classes were not to big, we always had enough time and opportunities to speak. All teachers are very good qualified. The school is in a old house; all the houses within the wall in Lucca are old. The facilities are functional but not modern. The activities in august were ok and useful to get to know Lucca better but also to get to know other students and to practice italian. I was very lucky with my accommodation, not far away from school and a wonderful host.
I liked the ambience at the school and the professionalism and friendliness of the teachers.
Lorenzo, the teacher, made the experience of learning fun and challenging. Very knowledgeable about language learning, skilled in English and other languages to help us foreign students along the road to understanding and speaking. Wish I could have stayed longer than this week.
The staff was very helpful. Facilities were airy and adequate for # of people. We felt taken care of. Nice historical lecture/excursions by staff. Lucca an interesting city with much to see and do.
Great students, good food and gelato.
July heat was a challenge; housing generally lacked good air circulation.
I loved being in Lucca for 2 weeks. Obviously the Koine Center was a major portion of this.
I enjoyed my classmates and the school location.
What I would have liked is an introduction to the other students on the first day. I wasn't introduced to the staff or the students. Yes, I'm an adult and did what I could to learn names and countries of origin while in the room the first day. The second week I went right to my classroom and did not meet the rest of the students.
Staff was generally friendly but again there were no introductions. Again - yes, I'm adult and maybe this is the Italian way and if it is, I apologize for my lack of cultural knowledge. It would have been nice to meet other students.
The first day of the second week there was an introduction to Lucca as students were taken through the city and shown buses, trains, etc. I learned of this on that day and couldn't participate. It would have been nice to have had the same opportunity the first week I was there.
I paid for the full day of classes for 2 weeks yet because there were only 2 of us in the first week's class we stopped at 11. That's about 10 hours where I did not have instruction. I enjoyed my time with Karen as we made the most of it but I think this is a big shortcoming. The first few days of class for the first week had different instructors and no set curriculum as it seemed they were trying to find instructors for the class.
The second week during class was much better as we went from 9 - 1 rather than to 11 so there was much for teaching and learning.
I wish I had been able to participate in the events for the 2nd week and would have arranged my schedule if I had known ahead of time rather than on Monday.
This no doubt sounds negative and maybe my expectations were too high but I was ready to be fully engaged so I was disappointed. At the same time I enjoyed my time in Lucca and would have to ask more questions if I were to return.
Also - I'm wondering whether I paid for round trip travel between Pisa airport and Lucca. If I did then I would like to have the return trip refunded.
My housing was great - Loved Francesco and his family. I had recent knee surgery so it was a surprise to find 64 steps to the 4th floor but I got stronger as the weeks went on. I participated in Cooking with Momma and Francesco was an enjoyable and patient instructor.
I hope this helps. - sorry for being so late in responding - the end of the class was not the end of my travel and I'm just now able to get the time to sit and write.
Unterricht: zunächst etwas enttäuschen, da ich die einzige Anfängerin war und somit keine Gruppe und keinen Kontakt zu den anderen Schülern hatte (da auch meine Unterrichtszeiten anders waren). In der zweiten Wochen waren wir zu zweit, das war dann echt prima.
Die beiden Nachmittagsveranstaltungen (Stadtrundgang in der 1. und 2. Woche, Besuch im Nationalmuseum, Vortrag über Puccini) waren etwas enttäuschend, zum einen, weil alles auf italienisch stattfand und zum anderen wenig abwechslungsreich war. Ich hätte mir etwas mehr Alltag (kochen oder Olivenölverkostung, Ausflüge, ...) gewünscht.
Die Unterbringung in einer Gastfamilien mitten in der Città war ganz hervorragend, herzliche Menschen in toller Umgebung. Kleines Problem zu Beginn: Die Gastgeberin spricht kein Englisch, aber nach einigen Tagen konnten wir uns doch verständigen. Ich habe mich dort trotzdem vom ersten Moment an wohl gefühlt.
J'ai bien apprécié le professeur, très patient et bon pédagogue.
Bien apprécié le nombre de personnes dans le cours (3), donne plus d'échange et beaucoup plus d'apprentissage de la langue étudiée.
Je souhaite vraiment y revenir l'an prochain, pour plus longtemps cette fois!
Concernant les activités d'après-midi (une activité a été offerte deux fois dans la semaine), j'ai aussi bien apprécié!
J'en aurais pris d'autres!
Merci beaucoup!
This was my fourth visit to Koine in Lucca so I already new what to expect and I wasn’t disappointed. I was in a class at B1-level and I think it was good that we got to talk quite a lot. At the same time we also learned some grammar. I had the teacher Isabella and was pleased about her way to teach. I will return again!
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...Housing was very nice, staying in a home with an Italian family was nice and very good for learning Italian
School, nice location in the city center, very good teachers, as well Isabelle and Nadyah.
Activities, especially cooking were very nice and good for learning Italian
Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback.
Lucca is such a beautiful place, so the location of the school is ideal. For someone travelling in-and-out on a daily basis by
train, the school was easily accessible from the train station.
The staff are friendly and helpful, and it was a pleasure to meet all of them. As residents of Lucca, their knowledge of the city
and all it has to offer is excellent!
I only availed of classes offered by the school and did not make use of housing offered.
I thoroughly enjoyed the excursions that were offered to explore Lucca and learn about the culture of the city, even though I
could not join all of them.
I suggest offering the afternoon excursions earlier in the day rather than at the end of the day. For a non-resident of Lucca,
travelling in-and-out it meant spending most of the day walking around in the city. Without a "home-base" to return to in the
city, the days were quite long and exhausting. I understand that the majority of students either reside in Lucca or availed of
the housing offer however there was no provision made for non-resident students.
Although I am currently residing in Italy for a while, I am originally from South Africa, and Italian is not my native language.
I understand, and fully agree that the best way to learn a language, is to speak it. This is quite difficult though if one lacks the
vocabulary and the grammatical knowledge.
There was no indication that grammar will not be covered in the class, and I (erroneously, in the end) assumed that the
lessons throughout the day would include some grammar learning.
This was not the case, and combined with the fact that the class had students with different levels of knowledge of the
Italian language, (some students were attending a second or third week of classes, or had been attending classes for
longer), it was sometimes difficult, not just for me but also for other new students, to follow the conversation(s).
In-class activities were mostly group-based (which I actually enjoyed as far as I could understand everything) to enable
conversation however it was not possible to determine how correct the "answers" were, because it was only conversation -
based. There was no way of knowing (especially with written activities) whether we were on-track with the answers provided.
Some group members were more comfortable with conversations and had a better ability to express themselves, which
means not everyone was learning at the same level. and/or pace.
I for one, struggled to express myself and many times the nuance(s) of what I was trying to say were lost as a result of that.
My suggestions therefore would be to:
* Indicate very clearly when advertising the classes, that knowledge of Italian grammar and vocabulary are a pre-requisite
* Ensure that all students are at the same level (of knowledge and ability) in the same class
* Conduct an online interview prior to student(s) arriving to ensure that students are placed in the correct level of class
without having to combine different levels in one class because everyone already arrived
* Provide some form of feedback, in the form of a memorandum/summary and of possible and correct
answers to activities/questions, for reflection and reiteration of learning
* Provide an activity book for students to complete activities and revise the day's learning
. It is difficult for me to comment on the school facilities, as I am not sure exactly what that entails.
If the pre-requisites and student expectations were clearly stated upfront, students could benefit more from attending the
classes. That way learning will be more effective, and the overall experience will be better.
I would not have enrolled for the class had I known exactly what it would entail, because I know that my language skills and
conversational abilities are not at the level that was expected in the class.
Creating a safe learning space for students is integral to the learning process. Expecting a learner to perform at a level they
are not fully capable of is detrimental to their learning process. I stayed for the full course because I really wanted to learn as
much as I can, and because I had already paid for the course.
I (tried) shared my experience in the class and tried to explain to Isabella exactly where I was coming from however,
again, the nuance of that conversation was totally lost, as I did not have the ability to express myself.
As a student, my needs and expectations were not met, and as such, left me disappointed.
Location is amazing. Lucca is a one of a kind place Just big enough to get a little lost but small enough to feel comfortable in just a couple of days. Other students in my class were great and I loved meeting people from alll over the world that love Italian like I do.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...We had a very nice group, 5-6 persons from all over the world. Teaching focused on speaking which was important to me. The most important grammar issues were covered, but not too much. The teachers were experienced and almost all spoke Italian clearly.
The location of the school was perfect, near the wall in the old historical city. The toilet facilities of the school were small and old-fashioned.
The cultural activities as well as the lectures organized by the school in the afternoon were interesting. I participated in all of them. I liked the best the walking in the old city of Lucca and the excursion in Pisa. The guidance of the school teacher in both places was excellent.
Koine center organized my accommodation in Lucca. I had a room in a family. Otherwise I was satisfied with the accommodation, but during the first week the room was extremely cold. The heating device was not working properly? The nights were very cold.
La signora was very friendly and helpful and the food, breakfast and supper, was good. The living was at a suitable distance from the school, 20 minutes on foot.
I had a wonderful time learning at Koinè Center. Located within the walls of Lucca, it was a perfect location to be immersed in Italian language and culture. My teacher was funny, engaging, and caring with her students.. She was a wonderful conversation facilitator and ensured everyone's interests were covered by covering a lot of topics: music, Italian history, fashion, politics - in addition to Italian, I learned so much! I enjoyed the afternoon lectures and walking tour of the historic downtown.
I had taken Italian over ten years ago in college - so was a bit rusty. While not a "true beginner" because of this foundation, I found the freer practice method of the teaching a bit challenging at times. If you have a basic foundation of the language, this course is great to be able to use the language with an experienced instructor there to help fill in gaps in your knowledge and answer questions. If you're not confident speaking Italian - perhaps some focused self-study would be beneficial before starting the course. They do offer a true beginner's option.. which may have been helpful for me. Regardless, my understanding of the language and confidence in using it certainly grew after my time at Koinè!
Kleine Klasse, viel reden, kompetente Lehrerin,
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...The small school is in an excellent location within the walls of Lucca and near the train station. Given it is small size the staff and teachers are able to be very flexible in adding private classes and accommodating schedule changes when possible. For my advanced beginner level the teachers had a wonderful approach of favoring conversation among the students, coupled with grammar when needed.
Class size depends on who is there at the time. My class was only 3 students including myself.
My spoken Italian felt like a pea under an enormous number of duvets. I am only an elementary level and could hardly express myself, but after one week I was ever so surprised how much the teacher's encouragement and structured lessons allowed for the pea to shoot up so beautifully. At the end of the week I was able to have meaningful conversations. The teachers are fantastic - so dedicated, passionate, professional, knowledgeable and can answer the most tricky questions. They know how to adjust their language so that you understand and learn so quickly.
I only wish the classes were longer ;)) but the afternoon activities make up for the craving. It is as if more learning happens without you even realising.
Lucca is the most picturesque place and I felt so at home. Safe and friendly atmosphere everywhere. So nice.
I am thinking of going back, this time for two weeks, to saturate myself even more so with the atmosphere of the town and the Italian culture.
With much love,
The teachers were very knowledgeable and friendly and we enjoyed meeting our classmates and learning more Italian with them. The facilities are typical of an old palazzo - which means in February you need to wrap up warm. Location was great and the wine and oil tastings were a real education as well as being fun. We are already thinking about booking ourselves in for another course.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...Everything was superb!
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...Der Lehrer Marco hat den Unterricht sehr gut verständlich aber auch unterhaltsam abgehalten.
Der Standort der Schule befindet sich in der historischen Altstadt von Lucca.
Die nachmittäglichen Ausflugsangebote der Schule haben mir sehr gut gefallen. Ich habe zwei davon wargenommen.
Die Unterbringung in einer Gastfamilie mit Halbpension ist sehr empfehlenswert. Ich habe mich in meiner Gastfamilie sehr wohl gefühlt und die Verpflegung war exzellent.
After a conversation with a teacher I came to an average level. We were six in the class.
I always struggled at school even at an adult school. But at Koinè Center no! With this way of doing - great:
Hear the Italian or read a text 5 or 6 times, after each and every time talking to a person in the classroom in italian, it's perfect to find confidence, get the exercise and the joy of the language!
Thousands thanks to Tulle the teachers !!!
Every teacher was kind, competent and ready to help - always in Italian! We did not need a dictionary! The teacher explained all the unknown words in Italian until we understand! We've seen a bit of a movie - but we did not hear it! After we agreed with colleagues what the people in the movie talk about, we had to sync the illustrations - I enjoyed this very much!
In the afternoon there is a different, voluntary and interesting activity! 2 guided city tours and a passage to different topics with a teacher. We could understand all, even beginners! The legends in Italian by the teachers.
The school asked me for a private room with a bath - very good. I lived half of the city! Wonderful!!! I did not want to eat at home. I went to the bar or bought something in a shop to picnic on the city walls or river out of town.
Lucca is my favorite city! It's beautiful!
The price for school and home was not expensive!
Thousand thanks to Simone Reich's help. First with his help I could speak in German what course I wanted. It was better!
After this one week I know what I know and what I can not do: I can talk about the topics set up but at home I need a dictionary. I can not talk to all everyday events because I miss the vocabulary, but now I dare to speak!
Bad? just a little:
Without Simone Reich I could not book the right course for me.
The review form after the course and the online form are in English - I do not speak English!
I took private lessons with Marina for two weeks. I spent three to four hours a day conversing, reading and watching videos in order to improve on my previous knowledge of the language. This was so helpful as my previous lessons in the U.S. were I only had one hour a week with assigned homework and grammar. This was my big chance to speak the language everyday. The afternoon activities were also quite good. I went on a walk of the city with Stefano and other students. Stefano spoke clearly and slowly to the group as he gave us an orientation to the city of Lucca. I also did a tour in a palazzo with Elena, who also spoke to us in a manner that could be understood. I attended an olive oil presentation with Elena and Isabella and a hike in the hills outside of Lucca that ended with a ricca merenda of sausages, mortadella cheese and wine on a beautiful terrace overlooking the countryside. These activities were very useful to the learning experience and I should have done more of them.
Housing- I stayed with friends that rented an apartment. Very convenient.
Facilities- I would say that they were a little cramped. I would have preferred sitting at a table instead of a small student desk (especially since I am left handed). Technical issues with the Internet were somewhat of a problem. Bigger computers would be nice. Photocopies for exercises could be replaced with word or PDF files accessed on the computer or tablet.
Another thought could be for the teacher (one on one) to take an hour or so to walk and talk with the student and engage the student on how to order food, buy shoes, make a dinner reservation, etc.
엄선된 홈스테이는 학생들이 루카에서 이탈리아의를 공부하는 기간 안정된 환경에서 보다 더 현지 문화를 배울 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 집들은 학교에서 대중교통으로 5분에서 20분 거리에 위치해 있습니다. 가족들은 현지 음식을 맛볼 수 있는 보통의 식단을 제공합니다. 혹시 종교나 건강 상의 이유로 식사 메뉴에 제한이 있거나 특별한 요청사항이 있다면 미리 알려주시기 바랍니다. 고객님의 숙박은 수업 시작전 일요일에 시작되며, 마지막 수업 후 토요일에 끝납니다 특별한 경우를 제외하고. 홈스테이에 대해 더 보기
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast - 2 students must book together
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast and dinner - 2 students must book together
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
루카에서 공부하는 동안 렌트 아파트에 머무를 수 있으나 조금 더 비싼 편입니다. Koinè이 아파트를 렌트하는 데 도움을 주기도 하고, 직접 아파트를 렌트하실 수도 있습니다. 아파트 렌트에 대해 더 보기
Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals - 2 students must book together
Shared apartment - Single-person room - No meals
저희가 학생분들의 비자를 대신 신청해 드릴 수는 없지만, 비자 신청에 필요한 서류들을 학교에서 제공 받으실 수는 있습니다.
고객님의 승인레터는 일반우편으로 댁으로 무료 발송될 것입니다. 만약 이 서류를 빠른 우편으로 받고자 하시면 등록하실 때 70 €이 부과될 것입니다.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to 루카 based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Language International의 의료보험 및 개인보험 커버로 해외연수 걱정 뚝! 저희 코스를 예약하실 때, 의료 비용은 물론 개인소지품의 분실까지 커버하는 국제 보험플랜을 구매하실 수 있습니다. 코스 등록시 미리 보험을 예약하셔야 합니다.
Koinè Center - Italian Language School in Lucca