TANDEM Hamburg International Language School
Steinhoeft 5 – 7, Hamburg, Hamburg 20459, Germany
TANDEM Hamburg International Language School
청취, 말하기, 발음, 독서, 쓰기, 어휘, 문법 그리고 활동
TANDEM Hamburg은 위와 같은 휴일에는 수업이 없습니다. 이 학교는 휴일 수업을 보충하지 않으니 이에 따라 시작일을 잘 선택해 주세요.
You can choose from the following class times:
수업일정은 수강가능 여부와 학기에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.
Is this the course for you? Yes, if you can...
• join a class Mondays to Fridays von 9:30-12:45 p.m. or occasionally from 2:00 to 5:15 p.m.
• come from a foreign country or are a Hamburg resident already
• want to learn German for your studies, your professional career or for any other reason
• are on a language or educational holiday
• want to prepare for a German exam (Zertifikat Deutsch, TestDaF or TELC B1, B2 or C1 Hochschule)
• are looking forward to having fun learning in an small international group (5-12 students)
평균 | 학생 8명 |
최대 | 학생 12명 |
연령대 | 17세 이상 |
평균 | 27세 (여름에 23) |
• 언어 배우기 - 회화 배우기
• TANDEM 함부르크는 1985년 이래 함부르크에서 인정받고 있는 고등교육기관입니다.
• 우리는 아래와 같은 내용으로 잘 알려져 있습니다.
• 현대적인 어학 코스
• 탁월한 효율적이고 개별화된 서비스
• 이후 공부의 질적 향상을 위해
• TANDEM Hamburg에서는, 20년 이상에 걸쳐, 친근한 분위기 속에서 자격을 갖춘 강사들을 통해 어학 트레이닝을 제공해 왔습니다.우리 어학 강사들은 가르치는 것과 배우는 것을 아주 즐겁게 하는 전문가입니다.얼마나 좋은 곳인지 지금 당장 확인하러 오세요!
• 학생들은 현대적인 교재 및 방법을 기반으로 한 반에 최대 10 명씩 작은 그룹으로 학습합니다. 우리의 독일어 코스는 여러분의 실력 수준에서 시작합니다. 우리의 좌우명인 «언어 학습 이상의 것»은 우리의 언어 및 교육 여행 프로젝트는 물론 문화 프로그램이 포함 된 특별 수업에도 적용됩니다.
• 우리는 품질관리시스템 <-Weiterbildung Hamburg>에 승인되어 있으며, 새로운 교육을 위해 질 높은 과정을 제공하고 있습니다.당사의 뛰어난 기준은 정기적으로 감시 및 평가되고 있습니다.게다가 우리는 해외에서 독일어를 공부하는 것을 계획하고 있는 학생을 위한 학교로서 스웨덴의 CSN(Centralastudiestodsnemden)에 의 인정을 받고 있습니다.
TANDEM Hamburg International Language School의 국적과 연령대 구성은 기간과 코스, 레벨에 따라 다릅니다. 연중 학생 평균연령는 27세 입니다. 여름학기 학생 평균 연령은 23세 입니다.
TANDEM Hamburg 은 위와 같은 휴일에는 수업이 없습니다. 이 학교는 휴일 수업을 보충하지 않으니 이에 따라 시작일을 잘 선택해 주세요.
저희 어학원 TANDEM Hamburg는 함부르크의 도심에 위치하고 있으며 역사적인 이너 하버 (Inner Harbor)의 신도시 (New Town)와 구시 가지 (Old Town)의 경계에 위치해 있습니다. 'Herrengrabenfleet'이라는 운하가 내려다 보이며, 물로 둘러싸인 엘베 강 (Elbe River)이 겨우 지척에 있습니다.
함부르크에서 젊은 곳이자, 새로운 콘서트 하우스 'Elbphilharmonie' 및 그 가까이에 있는 역사적인 창고 지구 'Speicherstadt'가 있는 이 '항구 도시'가 학교가 코 앞에 있습니다. 다른 방향으로 몇 분간 걸어 가면 함부르크의 랜드마크인 미셸 (Michel) 성 마이클 교회 (St. Michael 's church) 앞에서 자신을 발견 할 수 있습니다. 그리고 근처에는 더 많은 볼거리가 있습니다. 오래된 선창인 "Landungsbruncken", 포르투갈의 쿼터인 "Reeperbahn", 역사적인 Deichstraxe, 시청사, 그리고 함부르크의 도심으로, TANDEM은 이 모든 것의 중심에 있습니다.
Very friendly atmosphere and good teachers. I liked that the lessons were almost 100% in German. Exactly what I personally was looking for.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...Thank you very much for your nice review. We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed your stay. Keep up the good spirit!
I did a 3 weeks long intensive course and it was great. the lessons are very interactive and engaging, so not boring at all.
Furthermore the location of the school is as central as it gets, very close to the Elbphilharmonie.
The school also organizes a Kulturprogramm one afternoon a week, I joined a few times and they were all nice activities, great to get to know the city.
The Tandem school is a perfect example of language teaching, combining listening, speaking, reading and writing it gives the possibility to students to get a full experience. I particularly enjoyed the teachers and the possibility of speaking a lot whilst doing lessons and so develop a sort of flow.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...Der Kurs war schön. Nur eine Dinge. Ich hätte gern mehr Kultur program.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...I like my classmate and teachers, I think I didnt have enough time for learning German so I couldn't understand and have à German conversation. But I will find time to take more classes next year.
I prefer that teachers bring students outside, to practice conversation with réal situation.
Such as going to à market, to à bar or restaurants etc.
I would prefer more activités than sitting in à class room all thé time.
Its a good school with friendly staff and is perfect for learning German at any level.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...One of the best experiences I ever had. The teachers are great. The lessons are vero enganging. FANTASTIC
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...It was an amazing experience. My teachers were so helpful and nice. Everyone at tandem has a great attitude and were always eager to help.
Originally I payed for a 2 week course but ended up adding another week because I was so happy.
I would gladly repeat the experience, and even for more time.
Ich hatte zwei schlechte Lehrern sein ist arrogant, er sagte immer dass wir die Prüfungen nicht schaffen können. Die andere Lehrerin könnte sich nicht gut konzentrieren, sie guckt oft auf ihre Handy während wir über ein Thema zu zweit diskutieren müssen. Aber die andere Lehrerinnen sind sehr gut und professionell, die können die Grammatik und neue Wörter ganz deutlich erklären.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...Actually I am satisfied with teachers, facilities and education method. What I was frustrated in the class was the other students who didn't do homework, wasn't very serious and couldn't follow the class.
Since there were many group work in the class, if I paired with the ones whose level is way below than me, I was feeling I wasted my time. I am sure that teachers noticed that there were level difference among the students in the class. So what I would like to suggest is to make pairs with the similar level, and the teachers mainly look after the lowest nivel pair while we are doing the group work. Otherwise, the upper level students are get bored and frustrated. I think it is not the matter of fairness, but the matter of motivation.
Being in Tandem was a real full experience in all senses. We can not only talk about the good teachers and the surprinsingly well done courses. I must add that Tandem receive you as a member of their family. It was a real pleasure to learn with the 2 Teachers i had; and i've never learnt a langage in this funny and and fast way. I'd of course recommend to every body this experience.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...Lessons so good, very usable for the daily day. Teachers so nice and patiente. What i didnt like was that i couldnt find my mates when we met to the fischmarkt, but it could be my fault.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...I can only speak highly of my experience with Tandem in Hamburg. The teachers were very professional, the class group small ( we were only 5), so we had a good opportunity to discuss, and to be corrected. I could not participate into the organized Events, since i was there only for 2 weeks. The location and the setup of the school itself was excellent.
Thank you Nils and Petra for your great teaching!
I want to study again at TANDEM if I go back to Germany.
Everything is good.
My teacher is very nice and has patience answering every grammar questions. My homestay are kind and also very friendly to me. The location of the school is very central and it's not too far from my homestay. I think the best part is the Kulturprogramm, there's always an interesting tour for us to know more about Hamburg and mostly are free to join.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...Tandem is a great school. Not so big, but inquiries everything we need.
I think the teacher qualities are good as Goethe Intitut. Thanks!
The school's location is good; it's easy to reach with the means of transport. The teachers are very professional and available to give explanation. There is only few students per class and this is good because you can learn many things.
Concerning housing, I appreciated the availability of the GASTMUTTER, but I didn't like what happened on the second saturday I was there: she told me she needed my room for the whole afternoon and so I was obliged to go out.
Positive: Great location, close to the metro station and some teachers with a true pedagogic approach
Negative: The receptionist is sometimes a bit confused with registration and is definitely not welcoming and not listening to our concerns.
I had a really great time at TANDEM Hamburg. Since I had to start from scratch, I improved my speaking and writing skills a lot. Teachers were all friendly and experienced. The only thing I think you should improve on is to find some books that offer more practice for a homework.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...I generally enjoyed my experience at Tandem. The methodology used was thorough and the main instructor was very qualified. The lessons are combination of listening, writing and speaking. My host family was excellent. I would recommend this program to anyone interested in learning German in Hamburg.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...I think the school in general was great!
Great atmosphere.
The location is really good, it is situated at the center! I really enjoyed it!
I loved the idea of having cultural program during the week, it helped us to make friends and to improve our German.
Most teachers are great and could teach in a great way; play and improve.
I enjoyed my time there and I will definitely recommend it.
But maybe it would be better if classes can have lesser number of students. Sometimes if a student is late for class, the teachers would explain it again which he or she has already explained in class.
I got two teachers that I didn't liked, and most of students as well.
One of them is very young and she really couldn't explain very well.
It is better if the school hire teachers with more experience and knowledge.
The location of the school is very good as it is in the centre of Hamburg. It is very easy to get there and by public transport.
The teachers were always very nice and helpful; they always repeated everything as many times as we needed, and in the end of each part of the course level they usually took the last one or two classes so the students could clarify any doubt they still had or if they wanted to review any topic in particular.
The atmosphere of the school was very good, the students were nice, and I found the course itself very good. I learnt more than I expected, and just with this level I already understood many things, such as various topics. If it’s a very complicated conversation, I could at least understand the topic. With this level, I was able to easily ask for almost anything I may need in a restaurant, café or shop, which was very good.
The only issue I had during the 8 weeks was that in the first part of the course (the first 4 weeks), instead of having just two teachers, we actually had 5 to 6 different teachers which was not so good for someone who was learning a new language, especially in such an early level. It would be good if the lessons were consistent, that we should not be forced to try to get used to 5 different kinds of teachers and teaching methods.
Fortunately, everything was solved very easily and in the second part there were no such problems.
The school was good. They had Wi-Fi and free tea. The location was also good. They had nice teachers.
세부사항 표시 » 더 읽어보기...TANDEM is a great school; the teachers are awesome and the rooms are okay.
My only concern is how fast the 4-week course is. Don't get me wrong. It's great, but in a month we covered a lot of grammar and vocabulary, and even if I would have wanted to, I could not have started the upper level because I really needed to stop and review what we had studied in the course. I needed a quick course and it worked for me, but now at home I can finally slow down and interiorize all the vocabulary and the grammar.
The school is near the city center and it is 2 minutes from the closest metro stop.
I will probably be back for a higher level soon, but one month for me is the maximum.
In the beginning I booked 2 months and now I want to continue for however long it takes to have a good level.
The teachers are good and the location is also good. You have transportation nearby.
The facilities are not big, but they are warm and hospitable.
The family house is also very nice.
I was on vacation and took a week of German while staying in a friend's apartment in Hamburg to brush up on my German skills before traveling further. The week-long course achieved the goal, to the extent possible within such a short period of time and I did meet people I could do a few activities with, which was fun.
I was surprised at how serious the school was! I had thought I'd do school in the morning and sightsee the rest of the day, but I found I had a good 3 hours of homework daily. That was partly because of who I am! (I was probably at a slightly higher level than I should have been and also, when in a "school" situation, I want to do well!)
I was the only student who was a native English speaker, which was good. The others were Spanish, Italian, French-Swiss, Indonesian, from Singapore etc.., which was perfect and more interesting as far as I was concerned. It also meant that German was the default language when we hung out together.
The teacher was excellent and very pleasant, and I was impressed at the flexibility of the school and how well organized it was. It was also very nice and unexpected to have the two private lessons included. I was the only person taking a course for a week while on vacation -- many were recent immigrants to Germany who had been living in Germany for 8 months to a year and needed to improve their language skills for work. I was in the C1 level, and probably should really have been in B2. My accent is better than average and I am quite fluent in basic conversation, but the others had more vocabulary and more underlying language skills. Had I stayed another week, I probably would have "readjusted" and asked to go down a level.
All in all, very good and I'd definitely recommend it!
엄선된 홈스테이는 학생들이 함부르크에서 독일어를 공부하는 기간 안정된 환경에서 보다 더 현지 문화를 배울 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 집들은 학교에서 대중교통으로 5분에서 45분 거리에 위치해 있습니다. 가족들은 현지 음식을 맛볼 수 있는 보통의 식단을 제공합니다. 혹시 종교나 건강 상의 이유로 식사 메뉴에 제한이 있거나 특별한 요청사항이 있다면 미리 알려주시기 바랍니다. 고객님의 숙박은 수업 시작전 일요일에 시작되며, 마지막 수업 후 토요일에 끝납니다 특별한 경우를 제외하고. 홈스테이에 대해 더 보기
Homestay - Single-person room - No meals
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
저희가 학생분들의 비자를 대신 신청해 드릴 수는 없지만, 비자 신청에 필요한 서류들을 학교에서 제공 받으실 수는 있습니다.
고객님의 승인레터는 일반우편으로 댁으로 무료 발송될 것입니다. 만약 이 서류를 빠른 우편으로 받고자 하시면 등록하실 때 90 €이 부과될 것입니다.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to 함부르크 based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Language International의 의료보험 및 개인보험 커버로 해외연수 걱정 뚝! 저희 코스를 예약하실 때, 의료 비용은 물론 개인소지품의 분실까지 커버하는 국제 보험플랜을 구매하실 수 있습니다. 코스 등록시 미리 보험을 예약하셔야 합니다.
TANDEM Hamburg International Language School