English in the City (20 GE + 4 English in the City)

EC English Language Schools: San Diego


코스 주제

청취, 말하기, 발음, 독서, 쓰기, 어휘 그리고 문법

수업 일정

수업 길이
수업 시작일
매주 월요일 (30 6월 - 29 8월)
1주 수업일수
24 lessons per week (각 수업은 45분 동안 진행됩니다.)
수업 일수
월요일 - 금요일
학교 휴일
31 3월 2025, 26 5월 2025, 19 6월 2025, 04 7월 2025, 01 9월 2025, 13 10월 2025, 11 11월 2025, 27 11월 2025 - 28 11월 2025, 25 12월 2025

EC San Diego 은 위와 같은 휴일에는 수업이 없습니다. 이 학교는 휴일 수업을 보충하지 않으니 이에 따라 시작일을 잘 선택해 주세요.

수업 시간

모닝 세션
09시 00분 00초 - 12시 15분 00초
12시 15분 00초 - 12시 45분 00초
오후 세션
12시 45분 00초 - 14시 15분 00초

수업일정은 수강가능 여부와 학기에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.

코스 개요

The English for Work course focuses on language fluency as a main goal. The four major skills students will practice are reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students are active participants and learn grammar, vocabulary and common expressions by working and speaking with their classmates.

English for Work consists of 20 morning lessons per week dedicated to core lessons that will build students’ general English skills, followed by 10 afternoon lessons per week with focus on the language students will need in the workplace.

수업 레벨

고객님의 수업 레벨을 결정하기 위해 첫날 레벨 테스트를 보실 것입니다. 당신은 샌디에이고에 도착하기 전 이 시험을 볼 수 있습니다.

수업 학생수

평균 학생 11명
최대 학생 15명

학생 연령대

연령대 16세 이상
평균 25세
(여름에 22)


수료증은 코스가 끝날 때 발급될 것입니다.
더 읽어보기...


  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego 입구 1/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego의 건물 2/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego의 응접실 3/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego의 강의실 4/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego의 학생들 5/190
  • Classes at EC English Language Schools: San Diego 6/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego의 컴퓨터실 7/190
  • City of 샌디에이고 8/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 학생 레지던스 9/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego의 선생님과 교직원 10/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego의 복도 11/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego의 휴게실 12/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 13/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 14/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 15/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 16/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 17/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 18/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 19/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 20/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 21/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 22/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 23/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 24/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 25/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 26/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 27/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 28/190
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  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 30/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 31/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 32/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 33/190
  • EC English Language Schools: San Diego이 제공하는 홈스테이 34/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 35/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 36/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 37/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 38/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 39/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 40/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 41/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 42/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 43/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 44/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 45/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 46/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 47/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 48/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 49/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 50/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 51/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 52/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 53/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 54/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 55/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 56/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 57/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 58/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 59/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 60/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 61/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 62/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 63/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 64/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 65/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 66/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 67/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 68/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 69/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 70/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 71/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 72/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 73/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 74/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 75/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 76/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 77/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 78/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 79/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 80/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 81/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 82/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 83/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 84/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 85/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 86/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 87/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 88/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 89/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 90/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 91/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 92/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 93/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 94/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 95/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 96/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 97/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 98/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 99/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 100/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 101/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 102/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 103/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 104/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 105/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 106/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 107/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 108/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 109/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 110/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 111/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 112/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 113/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 114/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 115/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 116/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 117/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 118/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 119/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 120/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 121/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 122/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 123/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 124/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 125/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 126/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 127/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 128/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 129/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 130/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 131/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 132/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 133/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 134/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 135/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 136/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 137/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 138/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 139/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 140/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 141/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 142/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 143/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 144/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 145/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 146/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 147/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 148/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 149/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 150/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 151/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 152/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 153/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 154/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 155/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 156/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 157/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 158/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 159/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 160/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 161/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 162/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 163/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 164/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 165/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 166/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 167/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 168/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 169/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 170/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 171/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 172/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 173/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 174/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 175/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 176/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 177/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 178/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 179/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 180/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 181/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 182/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 183/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 184/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 185/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 186/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 187/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 188/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 189/190
  • Apartments offered by EC English Language Schools: San Diego 190/190


100% 권장됨

6개의 리뷰에 의하면
별 5개
별 4개
별 3개
별 2개
별 1개
교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치

"The experience at EC helped me get used to using English more confidently."

Koyuki Nakahara, 에서 온 학생 일본

I like my classmates. They were very fun and each of them has their dream.

Without them I couldn't improve English within short time. The location of EC was awesome. The teachers are fantastic too.

All of them have their passion on teaching English and being together with young people.

House was a little far but very nice. The host didn't only provide good meals but also corrected my English a lot.

더 읽어보기...

이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
11 Mar 2019 - 22 Mar 2019
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
이것은 입증된 리뷰입니다. 이 학생은 랭귀지 인터네셔날을 통해 이 학교의 과정을 예약했습니다.


Andrina Franziska Härter, 에서 온 학생 스위스

The build-up from the classes was great. I had great teachers. They explained everything and the lessons were always fun! The school’s location was perfect! If you walked 15 minutes by foot, you were already at the wonderful La Jolla Shores. Also, the activities were greatly planned and you could choose a lot of different stuff to do! I am very happy that I was at EC San Diego.

더 읽어보기...

이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
6 Jul 2015 - 4 Sep 2015
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
이것은 입증된 리뷰입니다. 이 학생은 랭귀지 인터네셔날을 통해 이 학교의 과정을 예약했습니다.

"An interesting time."

Yves Fricker, 에서 온 학생 스위스

I had a great time at La Jolla. The teachers were excellent.

더 읽어보기...

이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
23 Sep 2013 - 8 Nov 2013
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
이것은 입증된 리뷰입니다. 이 학생은 랭귀지 인터네셔날을 통해 이 학교의 과정을 예약했습니다.

"One of the best schools I have ever been, it was a mix of two stuff: fun and learning"

Rawwad Al Zahrani, 에서 온 학생 사우디 아라비아

First of all I improved my skills in English and that was the point for me. I moved up only one level from low into intermediate. I was hoping to do more but I didn't get enough time. The academic director’s name was Ms. Heather. She was laughing at me but I didn't care. I tried to do my best and I went to the self study section and Mr. Daniel Heckmyer helped me a lot in improving my writing skills. After that I took a level test and I passed. My goal was improving but the academic director wasn't really helpful. She just gave me a chance after she was laughing. About teachers Mr. brine was really creative and useful. The activities were fun but about the same thing every month. However we have fun in the classes. It was most of the time without any air conditioning. About my host family, they were really good. They were easygoing. Finally I paid for my health insurance and I didn't get it from school or in my email box. I asked the front desk in EC San Diego but they didn't know anything. Next seven months I would like to be in EC again if I hear new changes to make it the best.

Rawwad Al Zahrani

더 읽어보기...

이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
24 Jun 2013 - 2 Aug 2013
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
이것은 입증된 리뷰입니다. 이 학생은 랭귀지 인터네셔날을 통해 이 학교의 과정을 예약했습니다.

"The best experience i've ever had."

Andrea Alejandra Garcia Gonzalez, 에서 온 학생 룩셈부르크

It was a unique experience. At first I thought it was going to be like a typical class but even my first day was great! I loved every single teacher I had the chance to know and all my classmates are such great people and even now we're still friends. Every day I would laugh and just have a good time... I loved going to this school.

더 읽어보기...

이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
17 Sep 2012 - 23 Nov 2012
그룹 연령
25 - 34
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
이것은 입증된 리뷰입니다. 이 학생은 랭귀지 인터네셔날을 통해 이 학교의 과정을 예약했습니다.

"This is great school and wonderful district!"

Oxana Gnatyuk, 에서 온 학생 러시아

There are very friendly and professional teachers. I met a lot of interesting people there. I like my class and all my friends. Location is very beautiful and convenient. I would recommend this school for everybody who wants to study English!

더 읽어보기...

이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
16 Nov 2009 - 8 Jan 2010
그룹 연령
35 - 49
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
이것은 입증된 리뷰입니다. 이 학생은 랭귀지 인터네셔날을 통해 이 학교의 과정을 예약했습니다.


EC San Diego 는 다음 숙소 타입을 제공합니다:

홈스테이 - 2 인 공유 방 - 아침 식사

₩ 464,611

Homestay - Twin room, bed & breakfast

연령대: 18세 이상
위치: Outside the city center of 샌디에이고
숙소 타입: 홈스테이
객실 타입: 2 인 공유 방
식사 계획: 아침 식사 (7 식 주당)
학교까지의 거리: 45 - 65 분 bus로
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 토요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
제한: 2 학생은 등록해야합니다
₩ 464,611
Each room is naturally lit and consists of a bed, drawer and closet. Some rooms have a TV and other amenities.

Each family will have their own set of rules and are encouraged to go over these rules with the student upon arrival and/or post the rules in a common area of the home.

Some hosts have washing machines and dryers available for students and some do not. If they are available, the student should ask a member of the family how to operate the machines. In general, students are expected to communicate evening plans to the family, ask permission for friends to visit, limit home telephone calls to local calls only unless an international card is purchased, keep their rooms tidy, and to be very quiet when returning home very late. Some host families have curfews as well as a time limit for showers. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from school.

If you have a booking for a double room where 1 student is vegetarian or has other dietary requests, do not book a twin room as the family will not cater for a vegetarian and another student who is not.

홈스테이 - 2 인 공유 방 - 아침과 저녁 식사

₩ 524,560

Homestay - Twin room, half board

연령대: 18세 이상
숙소 타입: 홈스테이
객실 타입: 2 인 공유 방
식사 계획: 아침과 저녁 식사 (14 식 주당)
학교까지의 거리: 45 - 65 분 bus로
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 토요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
제한: 2 학생은 등록해야합니다
₩ 524,560
Each room is naturally lit and consists of a bed, drawer and closet. Some rooms have a TV and other amenities.

Each family will have their own set of rules and are encouraged to go over these rules with the student upon arrival and/or post the rules in a common area of the home.

Some hosts have washing machines and dryers available for students and some do not. If they are available, the student should ask a member of the family how to operate the machines. In general, students are expected to communicate evening plans to the family, ask permission for friends to visit, limit home telephone calls to local calls only unless an international card is purchased, keep their rooms tidy, and to be very quiet when returning home very late. Some host families have curfews as well as a time limit for showers. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from school.

If you have a booking for a double room where 1 student is vegetarian or has other dietary requests, do not book a twin room as the family will not cater for a vegetarian and another student who is not.

홈스테이 - Single-person room - 아침 식사

₩ 524,560

Homestay - Single room, bed & breakfast

연령대: 16세 이상
위치: Outside the city center of 샌디에이고
숙소 타입: 홈스테이
객실 타입: Single-person room
식사 계획: 아침 식사 (7 식 주당)
학교까지의 거리: 45 - 65 분 bus로
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 토요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
₩ 524,560
Each room is naturally lit and consists of a bed, drawer and closet. Some rooms have a TV and other amenities.

Each family will have their own set of rules and are encouraged to go over these rules with the student upon arrival and/or post the rules in a common area of the home.

Some hosts have washing machines and dryers available for students and some do not. If they are available, the student should ask a member of the family how to operate the machines. In general, students are expected to communicate evening plans to the family, ask permission for friends to visit, limit home telephone calls to local calls only unless an international card is purchased, keep their rooms tidy, and to be very quiet when returning home very late. Some host families have curfews as well as a time limit for showers. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from school.

홈스테이 - Single-person room - 아침과 저녁 식사

₩ 629,472

Homestay - Single room, half board

연령대: 16세 이상
숙소 타입: 홈스테이
객실 타입: Single-person room
식사 계획: 아침과 저녁 식사 (14 식 주당)
학교까지의 거리: 45 - 65 분 bus로
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 토요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
₩ 629,472
Each room is naturally lit and consists of a bed, drawer and closet. Some rooms have a TV and other amenities.

Each family will have their own set of rules and are encouraged to go over these rules with the student upon arrival and/or post the rules in a common area of the home.

Some hosts have washing machines and dryers available for students and some do not. If they are available, the student should ask a member of the family how to operate the machines. In general, students are expected to communicate evening plans to the family, ask permission for friends to visit, limit home telephone calls to local calls only unless an international card is purchased, keep their rooms tidy, and to be very quiet when returning home very late. Some host families have curfews as well as a time limit for showers. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from school.

홈스테이 - Single-person room - 아침과 저녁 식사

₩ 666,941

Homestay U18 - Single room, half board

연령대: 16 - 17세
숙소 타입: 홈스테이
객실 타입: Single-person room
식사 계획: 아침과 저녁 식사 (14 식 주당)
학교까지의 거리: 45 - 65 분 bus로
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 토요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
₩ 666,941
Each room is naturally lit and consists of a bed, drawer and closet. Some rooms have a TV and other amenities.

Each family will have their own set of rules and are encouraged to go over these rules with the student upon arrival and/or post the rules in a common area of the home.

Some hosts have washing machines and dryers available for students and some do not. If they are available, the student should ask a member of the family how to operate the machines. In general, students are expected to communicate evening plans to the family, ask permission for friends to visit, limit home telephone calls to local calls only unless an international card is purchased, keep their rooms tidy, and to be very quiet when returning home very late. Some host families have curfews as well as a time limit for showers. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from school.

아파트 - 2 인 공유 방 - 식사 없이

₩ 651,953

Costa Verde Apartment – Twin room, self catering

연령대: 18세 이상
주소: 8730 Costa Verde Blvd, San Diego, California 92122, USA
위치: Costa Verde
숙소 타입: 아파트
객실 타입: 2 인 공유 방
식사 계획: 식사 없이
시설: 부엌, 무선 인터넷, 그리고 무료 인터넷
학교까지의 거리: 45 분 bus로
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 토요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
₩ 651,953
Costa Verde Village is made up of 6 complexes of over 1200 apartments. Students can choose between single or twin room. Each apartment consists of a living room, bedroom, a fully equipped kitchen including a refrigerator, a dishwasher, a microwave oven, sink, and a bathroom. In each bedroom there is a bed, a bedside table, lamp, and a closet.

The apartments have a sharing ratio of 1 bathroom between 2 students. Bed linens and towels are provided, but students must bring their own beach towels. Each apartment has a clothes washer and dryer which students may make use of at no extra charge. Students can make free local phone calls. To make international calls, students need to buy a phone card which will unblock the phone.

Costa Verde Village is located just a few minutes from La Jolla Village Square and University Towne Centre (UTC) shopping mall.

Downtown San Diego is reachable in 20 minutes by car and 45 minutes by public transport. There are many supermarkets such as Bristol Farms and Vons, within a ten minute walk. There are also many conveniences, such as Starbucks coffee, McDonald’s, Subway sandwiches, currency exchange services, banks, and department stores.

아파트 - Single-person room - 식사 없이

₩ 1,101,577

Costa Verde Apartment – Single room, self catering

연령대: 18세 이상
주소: 8730 Costa Verde Blvd, San Diego, California 92122, USA
위치: Costa Verde
숙소 타입: 아파트
객실 타입: Single-person room
식사 계획: 식사 없이
시설: 개인 욕실, 부엌, 무선 인터넷, 그리고 무료 인터넷
학교까지의 거리: 45 분 bus로
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 토요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
₩ 1,101,577
Costa Verde Village is made up of 6 complexes of over 1200 apartments. Students can choose between single or twin room. Each apartment consists of a living room, bedroom, a fully equipped kitchen including a refrigerator, a dishwasher, a microwave oven, sink, and a bathroom. In each bedroom there is a bed, a bedside table, lamp, and a closet.

The apartments have a sharing ratio of 1 bathroom between 2 students. Bed linens and towels are provided, but students must bring their own beach towels. Each apartment has a clothes washer and dryer which students may make use of at no extra charge. Students can make free local phone calls. To make international calls, students need to buy a phone card which will unblock the phone.

Costa Verde Village is located just a few minutes from La Jolla Village Square and University Towne Centre (UTC) shopping mall.

Downtown San Diego is reachable in 20 minutes by car and 45 minutes by public transport. There are many supermarkets such as Bristol Farms and Vons, within a ten minute walk. There are also many conveniences, such as Starbucks coffee, McDonald’s, Subway sandwiches, currency exchange services, banks, and department stores.

비자발급 도움

저희가 학생분들의 비자를 대신 신청해 드릴 수는 없지만, 비자 신청에 필요한 서류들을 학교에서 제공 받으실 수는 있습니다.

고객님이 미국에서 일주일에 18시간 이상 공부를 하신다면, 고객님은 F1비자 신청과 함께 미국대사관에 제출해야 할 I-20을 받으실 것입니다. I-20에 SEVIS 트랙킹 번호가 있습니다. 비자를 신청하고자 하는 학생분들은 미국대사관에 가거나 비자 인터뷰를 받기 전에 SEVIS 수수료를 미리 온라인으로 지불하셔야 합니다.

고객님의 I-20은 댁 주소로 무료 일반우편으로 배송될 것입니다. 만약 이 서류를 빠른우편으로 받고자 하시면 등록시 $80가 부과될 것입니다.

미국법 상, I-20 은 풀타임 영어공부를 하고자 하는 학생에게만 발행된다는 점을 숙지해 주십시오. 미국법은 F-1 학생 비자를 가지고 파트타임으로 공부하는 것을 허용하지 않습니다. 일주일에 18시간 미만 공부하신다면, 방문객 비자(B1/B2)를 직접 신청하셔야 합니다.

미국비자 받는 방법 더 알아보기 »

항공권과 공항픽업

학교에서 가장 가까운 공항은 San Diego International Airport 입니다. (SAN).

학교는 공항픽업 서비스를 제공합니다. 공항픽업을 원하시면, 항공 스케줄과 도착 날짜를 알려주시면 됩니다. San Diego International Airport 로 부터의 편도 공항픽업은 $100 입니다. 공항픽업은 등록하실 때 미리 신청하셔야 합니다.

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to 샌디에이고 based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

여행자 보험

Language International의 의료보험 및 개인보험 커버로 해외연수 걱정 뚝! 저희 코스를 예약하실 때, 의료 비용은 물론 개인소지품의 분실까지 커버하는 국제 보험플랜을 구매하실 수 있습니다. 코스 등록시 미리 보험을 예약하셔야 합니다.

보험 플랜에 대해 더 알아보기 »

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