English Course - Dar es Salaam

Kulaya Language School


코스 주제

청취, 말하기, 발음, 독서, 쓰기, 어휘, 문법 그리고 활동

수업 일정

수업 길이
수업 시작일
매주 월요일
1주 수업일수
5 lessons per week (각 수업은 60분 동안 진행됩니다.)
수업 일수
월요일 - 금요일

수업일정은 수강가능 여부와 학기에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.

코스 개요

English course is available for all levels, as we based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, we also provide private lessons to our students by sending a teacher to student's place,so we can even send you a private tutor (instructor). We train English in all four skills (speaking,writing, reading and listening), and also train about vocabulary, grammar and all other important activities in a language.
You can learn English with us at any level from starter and elementary (A1-A2) to advanced and proficiency (C1-C2). So whether you need pre-intermediate (B1) English for travel and holidays or you want to improve your English at upper-intermediate (B2), you’ll find the best lessons for your level at Kulaya Language School though classroom, online or Private Tutor (Private Teacher who can come to your place).

수업 레벨

모든 레벨, 완전초급 부터 고급 레벨까지
고객님의 수업 레벨을 결정하기 위해 첫날 레벨 테스트를 보실 것입니다. 당신은 다르에스살람에 도착하기 전 이 시험을 볼 수 있습니다.

수업 학생수

평균 학생 7명
최대 학생 8명

학생 연령대

연령대 10 - 80세
평균 25세
(여름에 30)


수료증은 코스가 끝날 때 발급될 것입니다.
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  • Kulaya Language School의 맨투맨 학습 교실 1/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 휴게실 2/33
  • Kulaya Language School이 제공하는 학생 레지던스 3/33
  • Mr. Yohei (Japanese) took English Course 4/33
  • Happy time to Ms. Olimpia - She took English Course 5/33
  • Mr. Emanuel and Ms. Oksana after Monthly Exams 6/33
  • Ms. Oksana takes Swahili Course, this is her best performance ever on the weekly test. 7/33
  • Classes at Kulaya Language School 8/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 강의실 9/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 강의실 10/33
  • 그 외 11/33
  • Kulaya Language School 12/33
  • Kulaya Language School 13/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 강의실 14/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 강의실 15/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 강의실 16/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 강의실 17/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 학생들 18/33
  • Kulaya Language School이 제공하는 활동들 19/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 학생들 20/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 학생들 21/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 학생들 22/33
  • English Certificate to Joseph 23/33
  • Kulaya Language School이 제공하는 활동들 24/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 학생들 25/33
  • Kulaya Language School이 제공하는 활동들 26/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 학생들 27/33
  • Kulaya Language School이 제공하는 활동들 28/33
  • Kulaya Language School이 제공하는 활동들 29/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 학생들 30/33
  • Kulaya Language School의 학생들 31/33
  • The Logo 32/33
  • Kulaya Language School 33/33


100% 권장됨

11개의 리뷰에 의하면
별 5개
별 4개
별 3개
별 2개
별 1개
교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치

"Very good teacher"

Domenico Foglietti, 에서 온 학생 이탈리아

It was actually a distance teaching via internet for problems not related to school.

very good teacher

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
1 Mar 2021 - 12 Mar 2021
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
이것은 입증된 리뷰입니다. 이 학생은 랭귀지 인터네셔날을 통해 이 학교의 과정을 예약했습니다.

"I had IELTS training - was nice"

Ahou Yacouba

It was hard time for me, I real worried about IELTS, I tried to contact different language schools in Tanzania, mostly prices was to high for me, I tried this school for having just private sessions.

I got a very good training and helped me to scored very well 7.5 / 9 it was really grateful since English is my second language without any experience and as you know in Ivory Coast we speak French.

It was delight to meet Mr. Emanuel as my IELTS trainer though I didn't believe him as he was honest to me by saying he never did any IELTS test but he had a training and good experience, I had doubt as human but I just forced myself to try. I am not regret and I proud of you Mr. Emanuel.
Thank you.

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
12 Nov 2019 - 12 Mar 2020
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?

"I took Private English Class"

Aurora Alessandro

It was not my intention to choose Kulaya School but one of my friend influenced me who already had English class last year from this school, I already know the popular school in Dar es Salaam that I can't mention here but it was my plan to take an English course from such a school but I trusted my co-worker and take from Kulaya School, what I can't hide is about fee, this school has well affordable fee that made me hesitate before but I just tried to have a course, what astonished me is the greatness of my teacher, it was the moment I realize I was in the right place ever.
Thank you all, thank you Mr. Emanuel.

I have nothing more but this is the best for me.

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
9 Mar 2020 - 10 Jul 2020
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
Emanuel, Teacher at Kulaya Language School responded to this review.
28 August 2020

Thank you so much for review, it was delight to meet you, welcome once again

"Excellent Teacher"


To be honest this is a quite and an amazing place for learning but I had a teacher from this school who was Mr. Emanuel, he was really amazing, exciting and interesting. To make a ling story short I real admire my English Teacher Mr. Emanuel, he just taught me in private for five months, now I can at least speak English but before even greeting was hard for me. I am in Japan recently but I will come back.

Thank you Kulaya School, Thank you Emanuel

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
3 Dec 2018 - 29 Apr 2019
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
Emanuel, Teacher at Kulaya Language School responded to this review.
07 July 2020

Thank you so much,
We're very pleased to hear this from you, welcome again.

"My English Improved a lot"

Cherie Da Silva

Before have a course here at KLS, I was already had classes on three different institutes in Dar es Salaam, but none of them worked for me, most of them charge a lot of fees but the quality is very low, I decided to Try Kulaya Language School, I won't forget my teacher Mr. Emanuel who used to volunteer his free time on me, I have seen the great changes within just four first months, in my final month I doubled the fee to my teacher he was real astonished, I was very happy and satisfied, I never had a class with Mr. Emanuel without add something new in my English. I real appreciate KLS>

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
4 Nov 2019 - 9 Mar 2020
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
Emanuel, Teacher at Kulaya Language School responded to this review.
07 July 2020

It's awesome,
Your success is our Priority.
You're welcome

"Well affordable and great English Course Service"

Elijah Henson

I am not the one who studied here but my team had a private training on English course, the teacher was quite fine, he always came on time and provide a lesson perfectly, they do have reasonable prices and affordably.

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
4 Nov 2019 - 6 Mar 2020
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
Emanuel, Teacher at Kulaya Language School responded to this review.
07 July 2020

Thank you so much, we're very happy to hear this from you,
you're mostly welcome

"I had my Private English Tutor from here"


About two months ago to date I'm learning English as my second language from KLS. I am improve and i still study. my tutor give me lesson in my home and I enjoy, right now i lerning about tenses.

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
13 Aug 2019 - 16 Oct 2019
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?
Emanuel, Teacher at Kulaya Language School responded to this review.
07 July 2020

It's absolutely pleasure, we ware very delight to have you.
thank you so much.

"Quite good though I had a Private Lesson"

Ms. Akilah

For myself I had a private lesson at my home in Dar es Salaam, it was an English class, they gave me a placement test before I started, I scored 34, hahaha but it was a good test that I can say it defined my level.

Private tutor from Mr. Emanuel it was quite amazing, proper schedule and good time management, he was only missed one class from the day we started a course about 5 months, while every having one hour.

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
6 Feb 2019 - 28 Jul 2019
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?

"Highly Recommended"


It's a very good school, I've only studied English for three months but I can speak to and relate to different people at my place. I love them so much and it is just a lot of work to do but I wish I could keep up the fact they are very good.

Ni shule nzuri sana, nimejifunza Kiingereza kwa miezi mitatu tu lakini ninaweza kuzungumza na kuelewana vizuri na watu mbalimbali kazini kwangu sio kama nilivyokuwa awali. Ninawapenda sana na ni kiasi tu cha kazi kuwa nyingi ila natamani niendelee kwakweli wapo vizuri sana.

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
13 May 2019 - 18 Aug 2019
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?

"Nice School for Swahili and English Students"


I didn't took long course, I just studied Swahili Course for three months, but I can speak Swahili now, I am not believe how great this school is. Good teachers, and very professional but I suggest to have more classes especially for Swahili students.

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
2 Jul 2019 - 4 Oct 2019
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?

"The Best School ever"


Kulaya Language School is fantastic for me, It made my English improved and I also learn Swahili too, I will remember my Teacher Emanuel, was my English course teacher and he gave me some brush in Swahili before I left, I always used to remember the school. I will come back in my next holiday this December

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이 학교에 대한 내 평점

교육의 질
학교 시설
사회 활동
학교 위치
학습 기간
학습 요일
13 May 2019 - 13 Sep 2019
이 학교를 추천할 의향이 있으십니까?

비자발급 도움

저희가 학생분들의 비자를 대신 신청해 드릴 수는 없지만.

항공권과 공항픽업

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to 다르에스살람 based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

여행자 보험

Language International의 의료보험 및 개인보험 커버로 해외연수 걱정 뚝! 저희 코스를 예약하실 때, 의료 비용은 물론 개인소지품의 분실까지 커버하는 국제 보험플랜을 구매하실 수 있습니다. 코스 등록시 미리 보험을 예약하셔야 합니다.

보험 플랜에 대해 더 알아보기 »

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Q & A

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