Academic English

DLD College London


코스 주제

청취, 말하기, 발음, 독서, 쓰기, 어휘 그리고 문법

수업 일정

수업 길이
12 개월
1개월 수업일수
달 20회 수업 (각 수업은 60분 동안 진행됩니다.)
수업 일수
월요일 - 금요일

수업일정은 수강가능 여부와 학기에 따라 변동될 수 있습니다.

코스 개요

Academic English forms the educational foundation for any international student studying with us, whatever course they follow, as English is the language for both teaching and learning.

Every student’s language target is to achieve a minimum of 6.5 in the IELTS exam (International English Language Testing System). It is compulsory to study this course until this is achieved, although we recommend students study beyond this score. There are various courses to follow to do this, depending on the English level at the start (which we will assess upon arrival).

The IELTS exam is as important as any A level subjects, Foundation course, BTEC qualification or GCSE and must be taken alongside these, because the demonstration of academic English skills of a certain level (generally 6.5) is a pre-requisite for entry to all good universities. Further to this, universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, LSE, Imperial and UCL often ask for 7.0/7.5.

This exam focusses not only on the four main language skills areas (reading, writing, speaking and istening) but also on the academic learning skills required through the sixth form, into university and beyond; for example, discursive essay writing, argument analysis and note-taking.

수업 레벨

모든 레벨, 완전초급 부터 고급 레벨까지
You will take a placement test before your arrival in 런던 to determine your class level.

수업 학생수

평균 학생 10명
최대 학생 12명

학생 연령대

연령대 14 - 21세
평균 16세


수료증은 코스가 끝날 때 발급될 것입니다.
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DLD College London는 다음 숙소 타입을 제공합니다:

Student residence - Single-person room - 아침, 점심, 그리고 저녁 식사

₩ 1,014,977

Student residence - Single-person room with private bathroom - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner

연령대: 14세 이상
주소: 199 Westminster Bridge Road, London
위치: In the city center of 런던
숙소 타입: Student residence
객실 타입: Single-person room
식사 계획: 아침, 점심, 그리고 저녁 식사 (21 식 주당)
시설: 개인 욕실, 부엌, 세탁소, 컴퓨터, 무선 인터넷, 무료 인터넷, 양탄자, 견목, 에어컨, 난방, 24/7 감시, 정원, 그리고 스포츠 시설
유효성: 1월 - 12월
도착의 날 : 일요일, 언제든지ty
출발의 날: 토요일, 언제든지ty
₩ 1,014,977
DLD College London has rooms for all our students in our private boarding house located on our college premises. The boarding house consists of over 200 rooms spread across 15 floors, separated by gender. Each room has a bed, study area, storage, and a washroom. Some twin rooms allow two students to share their room and a wash room all the while providing each student with their own bed, study area, and storage.

Boarders eat meals with staff in the college refectory; breakfast, lunch, and dinner are served every day and there is also a Starbucks Café where students can buy hot drinks and snacks throughout the day.

Each floor of the boarding house has a common room for boarders on that floor. Common rooms contain a kitchenette where boarders can store and make their own drinks and snacks. There is comfortable seating, and a large table and chairs for group studying.

All boarders are supervised by our team of live-in Houseparents. The Houseparents are there to provide support to boarders, and to liaise with college staff and the nurse to ensure their health and well being. The Houseparents also oversee the running of the laundry and cleaning services.

The college Nurse is there for boarders who are unwell. The Nurse carries out health checks, registers boarders with the local doctors, and administers medication to boarders. We ask that students and parents complete the Medical Consent Form (included on the Application Form) to give the college relevant medical information and consent to treat medical issues and administer medications.

비자발급 도움

저희가 학생분들의 비자를 대신 신청해 드릴 수는 없지만, 비자 신청에 필요한 서류들을 학교에서 제공 받으실 수는 있습니다.

고객님이 만약 영국에서 11개월 이상 공부하신다면 Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) 라고 하는 참조번호를 받게 되며, 이것을 일반학생 비자신청 서류와 함께 영국 대사관에 제출하셔야 합니다.어학코스 등록과 결제를 마치신 학생분들은 으로부터 CAS를 받으실 것입니다. 영국법 상, CAS는 영어 어학연수를 11개월 이상할 학생에게만 발행되고 있다는 것을 숙지해 주십시오.

영국에서 11개월 이하의 기간동안 공부하실 경우에는, Student Visitor Visa라는 특별비자를 신청하셔야 합니다. 학생 방문자로서는 학습 기간 중 파트타임으로 일할 수 없습니다. 영국에서 11개월 이하의 기간동안 연수를 계획하신다면, 고객님 댁으로 승인레터가 일반우편으로 무료 배송될 것입니다.

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항공권과 공항픽업

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to 런던 based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

여행자 보험

Language International의 의료보험 및 개인보험 커버로 해외연수 걱정 뚝! 저희 코스를 예약하실 때, 의료 비용은 물론 개인소지품의 분실까지 커버하는 국제 보험플랜을 구매하실 수 있습니다. 코스 등록시 미리 보험을 예약하셔야 합니다.

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Q & A

궁금하신 점이 있으세요? DLD College London 관계자 및 학생 고객에게서 답변을 구하세요.

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